The NEK Council on Aging is pleased to welcome new staff to support two key volunteer programs. Felicity Norko will serve as the new Senior Companion Program Coordinator following the retirement of Patty Beckwith who served as the program’s leader for the past eight years. Brooke Brown is their new home-based Volunteer Wellness Coordinator.
The Senior Companion Program (an AmeriCorps® Senior national program) are volunteers aged 55 and above who provide assistance and friendship to seniors that have difficulty with daily living tasks such as shopping, organizing paperwork, or getting to medical appointments. The program aims to help seniors remain independent longer and aid family caregivers. The Senior Companion network extends throughout the Northeast Kingdom and, under the supervision of other Agencies on Aging, across the state of Vermont.
“The Senior Companion program offers vital peer-to-peer support to clients,” said Meg Burmeister, Executive Director. “We are pleased to welcome Felicity’s passion for helping our elder friends and neighbors. This position provides the opportunity to use her education and gain valuable experience by supporting families in our communities.”
Felicity recently graduated from Northern Vermont University with a B.S. degree in Applied Psychology and Human Services. She lives in St. Johnsbury and while in college, made the President's List for academic achievement and served as an intern and volunteer at Umbrella, St. Johnsbury Health and Rehab, a CollegesSteps Mentor, and a forest technician for the U.S. Forest Service. She was awarded the Good Character Award from St. Johnsbury Academy in 2018. She lives in St. Johnsbury and loves art and any chance to enjoy hiking and biking.
The home-based Volunteer Wellness Coordinator position supports the wellness programs at the NEKCOA by providing additional wellness support and classes directly into the homes of clients to further enhance their ability to age well independently, their way. This new position is funded through a grant from the Vermont Department of Aging and Independent Living for the expansion of volunteer services.
“Wellness is much more than one’s physical health. It is a practical, holistic philosophy that encourages a lifestyle that enhances the body, mind, and spirit,” said Burmeister. “Brook brings a positive energy and love of wellness. Her plans to focus her education on human services provides the opportunity for our clients to benefit from her education to achieve wellness support at home. We are grateful to welcome two NVU students to our team.”
Brooke is pursuing a B.S. degree in Human Services at Northern Vermont University with the plan to graduate in December. She lives in Concord and loves exploring the outdoors with her two dogs.
Both positions will be based out of the NEKCOA St. Johnsbury Office.
Hours: 8:00 - 4:00
Appointments are Recommended
481 Summer St., Suite 101
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Phone (802) 748-5182
Fax (802) 473-4998
Hours: 8:00 - 4:00
By Appointment Only
Derby Time Square
5452 US Route 5, Suite A
Newport, VT 05855
Phone (802) 334-2190
Fax (802) 334-3389