The Northeast KingdomCouncil on Aging is pleased to welcome the services of Sabina Dagmar Hansen,MS, RD, CDCES, as a Registered Dietitian. Her primary responsibilities willinclude assisting clients in personal meal assessments and preparation, andevaluating meal preparation at area community meal sites to ensure meals arenutritious.
She presently serves Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital (NVRH) in St.Johnsbury as Clinical Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator providing nutritionalassessments for in- and outpatients and diabetes self-management education togroups and individuals.
Her previous experience includes providing nutritional assessments as aRegistered Dietitian, Eating Disorder Dietitian, Bariatric Dietitian, WIC Nutritionalist,and Nutrition Service Director/School Dietitian for healthcare and educationalorganizations in New Jersey, New York, Maryland, and Washington states.
“We are pleased to have Sabina join our team and ensuring that our nutritionservices are top notch in meeting the needs of our community,” said MegBurmeister, Executive Director. “The Council provides no cost nutritionalcounseling as part of the Older American’s Act. Realizing that nutritionis one of the pillars of good health is a very important part of our work.”
She received her Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Anthropology from the College ofWilliam and Mary, VA and a Master Degree of Nutritional Sciences, RegisteredDietitian from the University of Washington, WA.
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