Meg Burmeister, Executive Director of the NEK Council on Aging has been re-elected to serve on the Board of Directors for USAging.
USAging represents and supports the national network of Area Agencies on Aging and advocates for the Title VI Native American Aging Programs that help older adults and people with disabilities live with optimal health, well-being, independence and dignity in their homes and communities. They are headquartered in Washington, D.C.
"I want to congratulate Meg on her re-election to the USAging Board of Directors. I look forward to working with Meg to advance the mission of USAging by supporting AAA & Title VI members across the country and through them the older adults we all serve,” said Dr. Mary Ann Spanos, Board President of USAging.
USAging’s governing body is a member-elected Board of Directors, comprised of two Board members and two alternates from each of the ten federal regions, as well as two Board members and two alternates at-large representing the Title VI Native American aging programs. Board members, with the exception of the Title VI representatives, are elected by USAging members in that region and serve three-year terms. Title VI representatives to the Board are elected by USAging-member Title VI programs nationwide and serve three-year terms.
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