Courtesy of the Caledonian Record
ST. JOHNSBURY — Ask, and they will send messages filled with love. Valentine’s love, that is… for the seniors andhome-bound people across the Northeast Kingdom who rely on the Meals on Wheels program. The Northeast Kingdom Council on Aging put out a recent plea “… requesting valentines from area school children,” explained spokeswoman Mel Reis, spokeswoman for the agency. The response was overwhelming and heartwarming.
According to Reis, more than 6,000 valentines poured in a short period of time. Taking part in the effort have been area organizations, child care centers, schools and friends, all to cheer seniors in the communities served by the agency — every town in the three counties that make up the Northeast Kingdom: Caledonia, Essex and Orleans.
“Our office was flooded with valentines from across the NEK,” said Council on Aging Executive Director Meg Burmeister. “The response to this
project was instant and impressive.” “The outpouring of heart-filled wishes demonstrates the love and care our communities share with our elder friends and neighbors,” said Burmeister. “The valentines brightened the lives of thousands and it truly warmed our hearts to witness
the gratitude of those who received them.”
Reis said the organization was hoping to get enough valentines to send out to 1,200 people in all. They blew that goal out of the water. She said, “We are extending the extra valentines throughout the Council (caregiving, case management, volunteers, etc.) and are sending them along
to other organizations (nursing homes, assisted living facilities, home health care, etc.). We are so grateful for our home-delivered meals drivers and volunteers who are distributing them.”
Charlene, a card recipient said “Thank you so much for the beautiful Valentine card, it made me feel so good and made my day!”
“I think the cards are such a wonderful gesture,” said Cindy Santaw-Brown, Darling Inn Senior Mealsite program manager. “I’ve had so many calls already from people saying how grateful they feel to have received them.”
Sunny Naughton, who reached out to several local organizations to create well over 100 valentines in her role as the executive coordinator for Northeast Kingdom Learning Services said of the effort, “NEKLS staff members and friends welcomed the opportunity to support our community with heartfelt notes.”
More than 60 organizations, schools, child care centers and local individuals contributed to the
cause including:
ABC & LOL Childcare, Alma Marsh, April Deschneau. Barnet Elementary, Barton Elementary, Blue Mountain Union High School, Brighton Elementary School, Brittany Hersom Day Care, Brownington School, Building Bright Futures, Caledonia, Essex, Orleans, Burke Town School,
Charleston Elementary School, Colleen Hart, Coventry School, Gilman Head Start and Early Head Start, Girl Scout Troop 51442, Good Shepherd Catholic School, Gretchen Bittner, Irasburg Village School, Island Pond School, Jay/Westfield School, Kids of the Kingdom Child Care, Lilbits Childcare, Lisa Duncan Daycare, Little Dipper Doodle Children’s Center, Lowell Graded School, Lyndon Institute, Lyndon Town School, Mary Lou Jacobs, Melissa Mikesell and daughter, Millers Run School, NEK Community Action Parent Child Center, Newark Town School, Newport City Elementary School, North Country Union High School, North Troy Head Start, Orleans Elementary School, Peacham Elementary School, Play & Learn Daycare and Preschool Center, Ready Set Grow! Childcare, Red Doors Childrens’ Center, Rotary Interact Club - NCUHS, Sherry Peters and her granddaughter Emma, St. Johnsbury School, Sunny Sunshine Silver Lining, Sutton Village School, Suzanne Timson, Tami Perron Child care, The Barton School, The Clark Family, The Riverside School, Troy School, Twinfield Union School, United Christian
Academy, Walden School, Waterford School, and Umbrella.
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