The Northeast Kingdom Council on Aging is pleased
to welcome Linda Caamaño as an Options Counselor. The Options Counselor is responsible for both office
and field-based work, management of calls sent from the information and
referral helpline staff, and the delivery of person-centered options counseling
to clients in the three-county service area of the Council: Orleans, Essex, and
Caledonia. Linda will serve clients in Caledonia and Southern Essex counties.
“We are excited to welcome Linda back to her hometown of St. Johnsbury. As a
former volunteer manager for hospice, she is well accustomed to finding
solutions for those in need,” said Meg Burmeister, Executive Director. “She has
already become a valued-added member of our team and as someone who grew up in
St. Johnsbury, she has long-established relationships to assist her in settling
back into the area.”
Caamaño served as the Volunteer Manager, Hospice
& Palliative Care of St. Lawrence County in New York. She recruited,
trained, and managed both direct and indirect volunteers for patients in
nursing homes and home environment programs. She assisted with event planning,
marketing, and general office management.
She also served as a Health Educator for five years developing and coordinating
evidence-based chronic disease self-management programs throughout St. Lawrence
Valley, NY.
Her passion for dogs led her to serve as a puppy evaluator for Guiding Eyes for
the Blind leading to the start of her own business Take the Lead Obedience and
Behavior Training. She developed, promoted, and conducted group dog obedience
classes and private consultation services.
“I enjoy teaching, interacting with people, and working to help others. Outside of work, my passions are dogs, horseback
riding, outdoor activities, and family. My home has always been Vermont and I
am happy to be back in the Northeast Kingdom,” said Caamaño.
She graduated with a B.A. in Clinical Psychology from Lake Erie College in
Painsville, OH and is an alumna of the Class of 1980 at St. Johnsbury Academy.
She lives in St. Johnsbury with her husband Victor.
Hours: 8:00 - 4:00
Appointments are Recommended
481 Summer St., Suite 101
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Phone (802) 748-5182
Fax (802) 473-4998
Hours: 8:00 - 4:00
By Appointment Only
Derby Time Square
5452 US Route 5, Suite A
Newport, VT 05855
Phone (802) 334-2190
Fax (802) 334-3389